How To Find Your Exact Location

Travelling is definitely one of the things you can do in your free time. If you have got the proper amount of resources, you can live a good life just by travelling 24/7. When travelling, you get to see breathtaking sights, experience different cultures, taste different cuisines, meet new people, and overall have an exciting adventure. Unfortunately, one common scenario that happens during travelling is that you get lost. If you have a phone and a working mobile data, then all you have to search for is and you’ll find the correct location of your whereabouts.

Getting lost is part of the experience of travelling. It allows you to amble the roads without any set destination thereby providing you with an avenue to explore and experience a culture that is far from what you are used to. Today, it may seem like getting lost would be such a trivial thing especially with smartphones having a GPS function.

However, there are still times when technology fails us and we are left to fend for our own. Maybe you left your phone behind, or the battery is empty, or worse, you’re lost and can’t find a Wi-Fi or cell signal. It is best that you know how to find exactly where you are.

Being lost in a completely different country, while recommended and has a lot of positive results, can also be a dangerous one. No matter how safe you think you are, the chances of crime, especially on a wide-eyed tourist is definitely high. This is why we have listed below some of the things for you to do should you get lost and not have your old reliable smartphone with you.

Find A Charging Spot

This is for when your phone just runs out of battery. Find the nearest coffee shop or 7-11 where you can pump some juice back into your phone. From there, you can easily just search for and you’ll be provided with your exact location in less than a minute. It is recommended that travellers carry with them a battery pack so they never run out of battery. When travelling, it cannot be helped that you take many pictures which could easily drain your mobile.


When you realize that you’ve been lost for quite some time, it can be panic-inducing which could lead you to amble aimlessly. This should not be your go-to move especially if you are in the wilderness with no discernable trail or sign of civilization.

Stop and gather your wits first. When you wander around, you make it harder for a search party to find you. If it is safe, stay where you are or at the last spot which you think you were on the right track. This increases the chances of other hikers passing by you.

Don’t Panic. Panicking will do you no good. Wasting your energy would be counterproductive. Look around what is around you and see if you can find shelter and water. Make a mental list of your supplies and prepare for the worst. Plan how to find or make shelter, how you will build a fire, where you’ll get your food and water, and how you can attract attention so you can be found.

Ask Around

If you are lost in the city, of course, the best way to find out where you are is to ask around. When asking around, be polite and try to smile. This will allow the locals to warm up to you instead of being cold, rude, and demanding. If you do not speak the same language, find someone who can speak the same language as you.

Talking to police officers or traffic aides will definitely make your life easier as they are required to know how to navigate around the area. Talking to the locals will also allow you to be more familiar with the local language and culture which is one of the best benefits of travelling.

Buy A Map and Look for Street Signs

Convinced that you can do it on your own? Buying a map and doing it old-style is always an option. For countries that expect hundreds of millions of tourists each year, it has become customary for many shops to sell maps. Once you’ve bought a map, look for street signs at the corner of each street and determine exactly where you are. The map will also help you navigate through the streets and to where you want to go.

Look For A Landmark

In the extreme case that you can’t find your location with a map, look for familiar landmarks. It is common for people to have a misguided sense of direction, especially in an unfamiliar place. Finding a familiar place and then retracing your steps back to your hotel is probably one of the best ways to navigate your way in a foreign country.